About-Baker: Band: I was the first Drum Major of the Baker High School Band (54 & 55). Georgia All-State Band, 4 years.
After-Baker: Bachlor and Masters degrees from the Music School @ Florida State University. Drum Major of the "Marching Chiefs" (58 & 59). Doctorate, Florida Atlantic University. Married to Jackie Howard Knowles, Ph. D., in 1959. Two adult children, Gregory (b. 1961) and Laura (b. 1966). Regreatably, no grandchildren, yet! National Champion winning (multi-times) Band Director in Plantation, FL, 20+ years. Currently, President & Owner of "Profits Unlimited", "Connoisseur Candies of America", and "Schools Magazine Services"; fundraising companies since 1989. Retirement anytime soon is doubtful and undesired. Lots of interest: Travel including cruising, sking, sightseeing, and casinos. Shows & concerts. Gourmet dining and would be wine connoisseur. Private Pilot. Professional sports fan with season tickets to Dolphins, Heat, Sol, Marlins, & Panthers. Would be delighted to hear from classmates and friends anytime!
January, 2002
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