Well, it has been a long, long time since I have seen or heard from most of my classmates from the Class '64. I really, really had a great time at Baker and have many, many fond memories... A detail recap of what I have been upto since graduation would be rather long so I'll just provide a brief rundown-- hitting what I think are the most important points. Baker Staff and Faculty must have poured in something "between my ears" because I was able to graduate from Columbus College in 1966 and UGA in Dec '69. (I know Coach Watkins, "...a miracle !!") I married in Dec 1966 a girl that I had glanced and waved at for less than 30 seconds in a Baker hallway in late 1964. Fran Richie (Class of '65) and I have been married for 38 years this December. How we really met is quite interesting ... I'll tell you that story some other time. After UGA I entered the Army (Signal Corps) and retired after 27 years of service. Fran I have 2 grown children. Both are married, employed and have presented us with 3 granddaugthers, a grandson and 1 more grandson on the way. (My son attended Georgia Tech (whatever) and my daughter graduated from UGA :}. Both live in Atlanta.) During my 27 years with the Army Fran and I moved 23 times within and outside of the USA. After retirement I joined ITT Industries and have been working (for 9 years)communications and networking programs that are in use by our military services today. Fran and I currently live in Fort Wayne, IN. As you can image, we are having lots of fun coordinating the building our retirement home in Florida (from Indiana).
September, 2004
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