About-Baker: I was quiet and unknown but survived Baker. I did manage (barely) to letter in tennis my last year.
After-Baker: I graduated from Columbus College with a BA in Political Science in 1974. After 3 years as a Military Intelligence Officer, I attended Grace Theological Seminary (ThM 1982). After 7 years in Southern California as a Banker and student again (MBA Pepperdine 1987), I rejoined the Army as a Chaplain in 1988. Since then I have throughly enjoyed a ministry to soldiers and their families which I will continue as long as they let me (mandatory retirement). Philinda Bond (Collins) from Great Falls, Virginia has put up with me since 1983. We have 2 wonderful children, Emilynn (born '87 and a dancer), and Benjamin (born '89 and a hockey player).
January, 2002
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