Kermit R. Griner, Jr., Class of '71

What did I like about Baker? Everything!

Went to Columbus State University (aka Columbus College) Married Renee Hendley (Hardaway Alumni)
1st Born Lauren Renee age 21 will be a Junior at Berry College in Rome, GA majoring in business marketing/finance.
2nd Born Evan Robert age 18 will be first year student at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA and will be majoring in financial planning.

Mother Louise taught at Baker from 1944 to 1976. Alive and doing well. We built a Mother in Law Suite for her and she has lived with us since July 1985. Still very independent at age 89. She has attended most class reunions.

July, 2003

Kermit's e-mail address: kgriner at knology dot net    Link to Kermit's Web page     
 Contact information for Kermit Baker Lions only

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