My four years at Baker were uneventful to say the least. I was very young, very dumb, and extremely poor, a bad trilogy for anyone's biography. Always being made aware and embarrassed of the three I projected tall tales to escape reality. I played Football and Basketball, both poorly. After Baker, I attended Gordan Military College for a year, on scholarship, where I played football, again, not very well. In June 1972 I came back to Columbus for a year and managed to loose some very close friends and piss everyone else off. Something I still regret to this day. There are times when I do think of and miss the southern life of Columbus and Baker. 1973 I joined the Army and ended up stationed in 1977 at Presido of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. I was fortunate enough to get involved in the dot com industry. Coupled with the dot com and a very generous stock market, as they say the rest was history. I graduated from Saint Mary's College with a BA in management. I have been married for 29 years and have two daughters, Megan 26 (5th grade teacher) and Stephanie 19 (sophomore at Saint Mary's). People who say money can't buy happiness have never been really poor nor have they had serious money. I've been really poor and I now have some serious happiness.
April, 2004
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