My experience at Baker was very special. I was known as "Smiley." I enjoyed all people from every walk of life.
My most memorable moment was performing Act 2, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet for Mrs. Child's English class, and an encore performance as well.
I was always full of Lion spirit and loved all the sports, especially football. Would love to go back to those wonderful days and be in love with the terrific man i have now. He graduated along with me in '72, but I didn't notice him too much then. We didn't even date. But now he's the love of my lifetime. I would have saved a lot of pain if I had only been his sweetheart then but I am very grateful I have happiness now. We will be married in the next two years.
I have one son, Aaron, in the Navy. I decided after raising him to return to school. I attend CSU full time now and will graduate in January, 1999 in Early Childhood Education. I enjoy reading, crafts, walking, bike rides, and college.
August, 1997
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