Marilyn Joyce Todd (Flatt), Class of '72

With my younger son in the Bahamas 
Autumn @ Heath Park 
Autumn @ Heath Park 
Heath Park 

About-Baker: Although I was in the National Honor Society and Lionbackers, I was a very timid person during my high school years and had a small circle of friends. My most memorable moments were the big fire and the student walk out.

After-Baker: Since high school I have earned a BS, MS, and EdS. in Education and am currently the District Education Technologist with the Georgia/Alabama DOD school system. I have two grown sons, 2 step-granddaughters and 1 grandson. I divorced after almost 32 years of marriage back in the fall of 2004 and am re-inventing myself.

I enjoyed the football games and pep rallies during my high school years, but the focus was always on my academic courses.

August, 2007

Marilyn's e-mail address: dancing247 at bellsouth dot net    Contact information for Marilyn Baker Lions only

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