The highlights of my years at Baker were being on the annual staff, in the English club and running around with the other Army brats from Ft. Benning. I hated leaving Baker in my senior year because I had been chosen Annual Editor but the Army called. I regretted not graduating with the class of 73 and have always been interested in fellow classmates.
When I left Baker my family went to Germany, where I finished HS. I met my husband in college, married him in 1976 and graduated from Univ of Oklahoma in 1977 w/BS in Home Ec Ed. We've lived mainly in OK, TX, and IL moving with his career. He's employed in management for Amoco Oil Co.
Besides raising 2 sons, I have taught school and become a practicing artist. Currently I am home schooling one of my teenage sons; the other is testing his new found independence. I am constantly improving my fiber artwork with new techniques & ideas. I had a one-woman show last summer that was my first opportunity to do an art installation & I have done 2 others since that show.
I am also the exhibition coordinator for the Houston Women's Caucus for Art, which supports women's art.
One of my biggest challenges is "living in a household with 3 men!" Thank Goodness for soaking spas!
February, 1998
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