Michael Undree McCreary (Chevalier'), Class of '79

Flight Training in the Netherlands. 

About-Baker: I was just a quiet one at Baker High. I was to have graduated in 1980 but during the summer of 1977 I took special courses to skip a grade ahead the following year. I did not know many people or get to know many people of my graduation class. I was in the German Club, and I took spanish and French. I was also enrolled in the ROTC program at baker. I left the United States in 1989 for England after being hired by Pan American Airlines. I have lived in many different parts of europe including, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, but now I am currently living in Amsterdam The Netherlands for the last 18 years. I am currently working for United Airlines and I am based in Germany but living in The Netherlands commuting back and forth to work. Its a good life and I have seen the world over and over the last 20 years. I am currently taking flying lessons in the Netherlands and sometimes in the USA as a hobby to acquire my Private Pilots Licenses. It really is all about the journey and not the destination.

July, 2008

Undree's e-mail address: undreechevalier at quicknet dot nl    Contact information for Undree Baker Lions only

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