
Class of 1962 Reunion of 2007

BHS 1962……………Hello Fellow Lion Classmates

This is the beginning of a year and a half campaign to contact as many members of the Baker High School Class of 1962 as possible in order to have the best reunion yet in October of  2007.  Yes, it will be 45 years since we left the halls of BHS and started our separate searches for fame and fortune or perhaps just a safe and secure place in society.  I would like to sit down with every classmate and listen to your life story.  I’d like to shake your hand or give you a big hug and perhaps share a drink and/or story or two with all of you.

I can’t possibly do this alone so I’ll be looking for all types of help between now and then.  The first phase will be to work on a contact list.   My goal is to be able to contact every single member of our class that is still alive.  The second phase will be to have an organizational meeting in October of this year (2006).  The class of 1963 will be sponsoring a “sock hop” on a Friday night in October and I want to have our meeting the next morning.  On that Saturday meeting I want to identify as many volunteers as possible to head up the various committees that will be required to have a memorable reunion with as many classmates as possible in attendance.  The third phase will be to “get er done” !!

I’d like to promise everyone that they need not worry about how they get from Atlanta airport to Columbus and to not worry about finding a place to eat or the cost of food since there will be so much food and beverage in our hospitality suite to cover any need.  I will need some help though.

Big thoughts ?  Perhaps.  But those of you that know me are aware that I can be a bit feisty at times and I never have liked the thought of losing ….ever.  So here goes….

Please confirm back to me the following information:

Class Name, Current Name, e-mail address, Postal Address, Phone number

Next, please contact anyone you know that was in our class and not on this mailing list and ask them to contact me by e-mail or post card or phone call so I can add them to my master list.

I will gladly share all of the information I get with the entire class but, if you for some reason would not like your information shared…please let me know and I will blind copy you on all communications.

Thanks….wish me good luck !!!

“Curly” Harman     BHS 1962

6326 Lake Oconee Parkway

Greensboro, Georgia 30642



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